Congratulations to each of the Mishicot Middle School Ambassadors for March!
Agriculture - Erin Ladewig - Erin has persevered through the challenges that COVID and online learning have presented to come up with unique and thoughtful ways to pay it forward to others while completing her ag choice boards!
Art - Eli Skarda - Eli was chosen for his ability to work through online learning. He is getting his work done with excellence in a timely fashion and always shares a smile.
Band - Hoken Stephan - Hoken has been a rockstar practicing and performing on his trumpet at home. Keep staying self motivated and disciplined to make the most of this at home practice time you have. Great job!.
Choir - Emily Butler - Prior to leaving school, Emily put in so much work for the musical and really showed that she had a lot of vocal power. She also received a 1 rating at Solo and Ensemble. Congratulations on becoming a new member of Soundwave for 2020-21! Way to excel Emilly!
English Language Arts - Kaelin Adair - Kaelin has worked just as hard with Virtual Learning as when in the classroom. Your communication with your teachers when you have questions or are struggling is appreciated. You show great perseverance to continue with the high expectations you have set for yourself.
FACS - Chloe Ducat - Chloe works very hard during class. She always stayed behind to make sure her area was clean and then helped others as well.
Math - Kadin Seefeldt - Kadin has been a stellar student during Virtual Learning. He attends all virtual class meetings, gives his best effort on all assignments, and asks great questions to make sure he understands the assignment and concepts being taught. Keep up the outstanding work!
Phy Ed - Hayden Manjarrez - You have always been awesome to have in class, hard working, honest and kind. I am so proud of how hard you are working from home. You have shown an excellent ability to adapt to this new learning style.
Science - Jacob Benfield - Your work quality and dedication to science is impeccable. You have great ideas, your effort on the labs and projects, even online, puts you at the highest level and you participate well in all of the online games and Zoom meetings. You have definitely made me smile, knowing you have done everything you need to do to be successful.
Social Studies - Aaron Schanilec - You have done an awesome job in class and in the transition to online school. Your responses to discussion questions have been written very well and have solid research and evidence. Keep working hard Aaron!
Sam Chynoweth - Spanish - You have been doing an awesome job at keeping up with all of your online classwork. You also do a great job of participating and always doing your best work when we are in the classroom. Thank you for always working hard in Spanish!!